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Social media can be a powerful tool for physicians. It can help doctors to disseminate important medical information to patients. It also can provide doctors with greater visibility, which can lead to a better reputation and more business over time.

To get the most out of your social media experience for doctors, try out some of our tips below.

#1 Don’t Communicate With Patients on Social Media

This of course is a gross HIPAA violation and is courting disaster on many fronts. However, you can use social media to educate your patients. They can follow your practice on social media to get more information about medical conditions, office hours, etc.

#2 How to Use Twitter to Grow Professional Connections

Twitter can be used to get your practice better known, and also to connect with other medical professionals. Patients also can follow you on Twitter. Of course, providing medical information of any value is difficult in a mere 140 characters J.

Next, choose your Twitter followers with caution. Block people who engage in spam or trolling. Many Twitter users will try to sell you products and services.

You can use Twitter to grow your network. Try to set up a group of patients and/or medical professionals to whom you can tweet regular, important messages. The idea is to provide them with useful content that they will share with other users.

Be very mindful of your words on Twitter. A rude post can be retweeted far and wide. Never lose your temper with anyone. If someone is trolling your feed for a reaction, ignore them. Some medical professionals actually will troll other doctors’ feeds, if you advocate something that they disagree with. It is best to ignore them.

Be sure to retweet good articles from high profile sources, such as CDC or WHO. This makes people see you as a trusted source of information in time.

#3 Use Facebook to Deliver Patient Education

Because Facebook has no character or word limits, it is a better social media platform for providing education to patients. Ask your patients to follow you or to like your medical practice on FB.

Remember that you can create several pages on Facebook under one account. You might have a personal FB page, but also have a practice page and a personal professional FB page.

Also keep in mind that Facebook is VERY public. Never post anything on Facebook that you would not want to be known by the public. And Facebook posts live forever, so watch your words carefully.

#4 Linkedin Can Strengthen Career Connections

Linkedin is very good for building your career and professional connections. Think of it as an online resume and professional networking tool. Try to connect with other medical professionals in your area on Linkedin, and share important medical information with them from trusted sources.

Clearly, social media has many benefits for medical professionals. Generally though, doctors really are not using social media to their full advantage. By using the social media platforms above, you really can build your brand, reputation and practice over the years.

MD Marketing Experts, the best medical marketing agency offers Social Media for Doctors to build online visibility and engage new patients/customers to services.