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Many doctors want to get more clients by using plastic surgery PPC (pay per click) advertising campaigns. However, many of them are guilty of making three mistakes that sabotage their medical marketing campaigns. Please do not do these three things!

#1 Irrelevant Ads

When you or your healthcare marketing agency design your ads, be positive that the ads are 100% relevant to the landing page and its keywords. Making the ad relevant will boost the quality score and the click throughs the ads get. A higher quality score means you pay less for every click, and this means better ROI!

#2 No Call To Action

Every plastic surgery PPC ad must include a strong call to action. However, this often is lacking in many pay per click campaigns. Sometimes the wrong call to action is used; if you want your viewer to contact your office for a consultation, you might use “Call Our Office Now.”

Never underestimate the power of the call to action. Using the right phrase can trigger a contact or purchase decision.

#3 No Testing

You should have at least three versions of the PPC ad running. Test new ads each month so that you are always improving your click through rate. Also, many plastic surgeons fail to update the ads each month. So, the messaging may be out of date.

Elements that you test should include display URLs, descriptions and calls to action. It is a good idea to test new messaging: promotions, benefits and prices.

Contact Us to Learn More About Plastic Surgery SEO and Doctor SEO

MD Marketing Experts is your all in one shop for plastic surgeon PPC, plastic surgery SEO, SEO for doctors, and PPC for doctors. You will be put in touch with a personal account manager who will take the time to understand you and your practice. With our extensive healthcare, sales, and medical marketing knowledge we can provide all the solutions to increase your bottom line. We want to take your practice to the next level, so give MD Marketing Experts a call at 888-428-7999 now. We’re excited to work with you!