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Best SEO practices for plastic surgery and all kinds of small business have changed in the last two years. Many plastic surgeons may have noticed that their SEO efforts have not paid off as much as in the past. This is because Google has made major changes to its search algorithm.

These days, good local search SEO is needed for you to acquire more patients. At least 70% of patients find their plastic surgeons locally online. If your search rankings have dropped, you are losing business.

Plastic surgeons with excellent SEO practices are going to place high in local plastic surgeon search results. To do so, you should try some of these strategies:

#1 Revise Your Service Pages

You should have a separate landing page for each plastic surgery procedure you do. This allows Google to better grasp what each page is about. A general service page that has several plastic surgery procedures will confuse the search engine.

Also, Google responds very favorably to content that is very high quality and is useful to all users. A list of 20 services you perform is not nearly as useful as 20 different pages with unique content about each procedure. Your potential patients also will appreciate the extra information.

#2 Use Hyper Localized SEO Marketing

Making your website really localized will help your patients find you when they are looking for a surgeon in their town. Google also wants to know all about who you are and what you do, as well as where to find you. For best plastic surgery SEO results, you should have a phone number with local area code on every page, and have your business address on each page.

Also, you should have a strong internal link build so that Google can easily find all of the pages.

Of course, you have patients in areas other than just in your city; you also have patients probably from surrounding towns and suburbs. To target them, you should have unique content on your site that mentions other areas around your city.

So, you will want to write content that mentions surrounding towns and communities. For example, if your practice is in Miami, it probably would benefit you to target potential patients in Ft. Lauderdale. So, you will want to have content on the site tailored to Ft. Lauderdale.

#3 Have a Call To Action on Each Page

Your website visitors should be prompted on every page to call your office to set up a consultation. A call to action at the bottom of each page will provide them with all necessary contact information. Remember that a good contact form can be very beneficial: Some people would rather send online messages at first about their medical questions rather than talk to someone.

By utilizing the latest SEO local marketing techniques above, you as a plastic surgeon should be able to have more potential clients find your practice. This will lead to more business for you, and a better overall presence in your community.